PFsense Auto Backup powershell script

I’m all about setting it and forgetting it and hopefully this wrapper script helps you do that. I setup this script in 2018 and it’s been performing flawlessly ever since. I know PFsense does it’s own cloud backup but I like to have my own local backup just in case. Everything is available on github:…

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Purple Air and AwAir Sensor data in Grafana

Foreward This is just a little helper on how to get Purple Air and AwAir JSON data into Grafana. It’s pretty straightforward and of course that means it took me a couple days of tinkering to figure it out. The way telegraf parses the Purple Air JSON data needs to be modified as it pulls…

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IT bLog

What is this? Just another site to log all my computer/networking/home automation stuff. Similar to my other site, this is just a place to jot down all the steps I took to make something work for reference later. Hopefully somebody in the same situation I was in finds some of this data useful.

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